Welcome to my webpage

Here you can find who I am, what I’ve done and what I’m now doing. Click on the track but­ton so I can let you know when I’m play­ing around your home­town.

On my Sound­Cloud page you can find new music I’m work­ing on and music I nev­er released.

Enjoy my work,


About Myself

Look at every­thing. Don’t close your eyes to the world around you. Look and became curi­ous and inter­est­ed in what there is to see”  John Cage

I ‘m a bass-play­er/­com­pos­er based in Copen­hagen and I’ve been writ­ing my own music since 2013 and released 4 albums with it:
“What­ev­er It Is You’re Seek­ing, Won’t Come In The Form You’re Expect­ing” ; “Truth Has To Be Giv­en In Rid­dles”  ; “Danc­ing Our Way To Death” and “From Order to Chaos” (co-lead with my friend and gui­tarist Pedro Bran­co).

Today I’m writ­ing music that deals with the inter­ac­tion of composition/improvisation and electronic/acoustic instru­ments.

I also do free­lance work.

I stud­ied at the Con­ser­va­to­ry of Ams­ter­dam (Hol­land) and I’m now doing my mas­ters degree at the Rhyth­mic Music Con­ser­va­to­ry, in Den­mark.

I’m real­ly hap­py about the part­ner­ship I’ve been devel­op­ing with  D’Addario & Plan­et Waves, with Vin­tage Gui­tars and with TC Elec­tron­ic. They’ve been a huge help, pro­vid­ing me with the best strings and cables, instru­ments, effects and ampli­fi­ca­tion.

I like songs and I like impro­vised music.

I like Char­lie Haden and I like Arvo Part.

I like to see love and beau­ty in things.

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Whirlpool Ensemble at KoncertKirken 30 Jan 2022

This is a small ensem­ble that deals with the coun­ter­ac­tion between impro­vi­sa­tion & com­po­si­tion, cre­at­ing a cir­cu­lar motion as that pro­duced by the meet­ing of oppos­ing cur­rents caus­ing a down­ward spi­ral­ing action cre­at­ing music as a final result. This rather unusu­al ensem­ble fea­tures me on acoustic bass, the beau­ti­ful Eli­na Silo­va singing  and the amaz­ing Kris­t­ian …


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  • Debord exper­i­men­tal elec­tro-acoustic solo project
  • Spec­tral Songs Jędrzej Łagodz­ińs­ki sax ; Rudolfs Macats piano ; Simon Albert­sen drums 
  • João Has­sel­berg & Pedro Bran­co  feat. Pedro Bran­co gui­tar ; Eli­na Silo­va & Afon­so Cabral vocals ; Afon­so Pais gui­tar ; João Paulo Esteves da Sil­va & Luis Figueire­do piano ; Albert Cir­era sax ; João Lencas­tre drums
  • Whirlpool Ensem­ble feat. Eli­na Silo­va vocals ; Kris­t­ian Tangvik elec­tron­ics
  • Song­Bird feat. Luis Figueire­do piano


  • Tia­go Bet­ten­court 
  • Luisa Sobral 
  • Nadia Schilling

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